Product Overview
The electronic Trial Master File (eTMF) allows the sponsor to organize the archiving of study documents in compliance with current regulations. The eTMF module supports the maintenance of a repository of all types of documents that can be collected during a study. This repository is based on the CDISC Trial Master File Reference Model and is available for download.
- Web based
- Cloud Hosted
- Subscription
- License Fee
More Information
The configuration, for each study, of the types of documents to be collected and the generation of the list of expected documents The eTMF module allows
- The maintenance of a repository of all types of documents that can be collected during the study. This repository is based on the model established by the Drug Information Association (DIA) and is available for downloadable
- The configuration, for each study, of the types of document to be collected and the generation of the list of expected documents.
About the company
Telemedicine Technologies is the publisher of e-Health solutions, market leader in the field of Clinical Research with its CleanWeb™ solution, a secure Internet platform dedicated to the electronic management of clinical trials and registries.
By subscribing to our solution in SaaS mode or a project-based approach, you choose a flexible e-Platform and can opt for the applications and services: eCRF, CTMS, eTMF, eConsent, Medical Imaging, rSDV Monitoring, Vigilance, Randomisation, Managed Access Programmes (MAP) that you require… Our bespoke solution can be tailored to meet any clinical trial phase, size and complexity.